This is a Bible study podcast focused on helping you grow in your Christian walk. Each episode will cultivate a love for God and His Word and challenge you to follow Jesus Christ unashamedly in today’s world. We want to equip and encourage you to know what you believe and why you believe it. Brand new episodes each Tuesday. Sponsored by Collegians for Christ Campus Ministry.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Being An Active Worshipper
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
In this episode, we learn how Nehemiah trained and guided his people, instilling faithfulness, the fear of God, teachability, and dependability in them. Furthermore, we unravel Nehemiah's ingenious approach in organizing worship, putting God and the Bible first, ensuring a clear understanding of God's word, and fostering an atmosphere of joy and celebration. This heart touching account of Nehemiah is bound to empower you in your faith journey, inspiring you to be not just a passive listener, but an active worshipper!

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
How To Stay Focused Through The Distractions
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
In this episode, we reflect on our own experiences of struggling to stay focused amidst a world of distractions. Whether it's our devices promising to make us more organized or the incessant demands of life, our attention is constantly pulled in many directions. We unpack how Nehemiah, a biblical leader, exemplified staying focused despite the presence of distractions.
Distractions, whether good or bad, have a knack of pushing us off track from our set goals. We scrutinize how Nehemiah resisted these distractions and stayed focused even in the face of criticism and intimidation from adversaries like Sanballat and Tobiah. Emulating Nehemiah, we emphasize the importance of discerning distractions, devoting time according to priorities and not letting our emotions control us while facing critics.
The key here is discernment, which comes from exposure to God's word and personal experience from different situations. Nehemiah’s unwavering focus despite distractions, criticism, or intimidation can serve as a testament to us as we pursue our respective goals.

Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Facing And Overcoming Opposition
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
Tuesday Jul 09, 2024
In this episode, we trace Nehemiah's journey in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, we delve into the obstacles he faced, his reactions to opposition, and his effective leadership tactics. Despite facing severe criticism and attempt to hinder his plans, Nehemiah remains determined, focused and leads his people forward. We highlight that the true test of leadership often comes in the face of adversity and how leaders react to opposition could greatly influence the outcome of their work.
We further discuss the common forms of opposition leaders can face, both from within and without. We also acknowledge that dealing with criticism, obstacles, and opposition can be challenging, but it is crucial to remain focused, motivated, and encouraged.
At the end of the episode, we conclude with the importance of staying true to the callings and leadings of God, regardless of the opposition or criticism we face.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Learning The Ability To Motivate & Delegate Others
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
This episode dives into the life and leadership of Nehemiah as we study his role in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. Nehemiah serves as an example of true leadership, embodying the idea that leadership is about influence, not position or followership. Recognize how a good leader values their team, and like Nehemiah, adopts a collaborative approach rather than trying to accomplish tasks single-handedly.
Our scripture study dives into Nehemiah’s attitudes towards leadership. He was not the loudest, nor did he try to dominate. Instead, he understood leadership as the ability to inspire, motivate, delegate, and influence with others. Learn how we can apply this wisdom in our lives and how we all have the potential to be leaders, adding value to others' lives.
We also discover Nehemiah's strategy in delegating work, emphasizing how each team member plays a vital role in accomplishing greater goals. True leadership ensures that everyone feels important, involved, and invested in the task. Just like Nehemiah placed everyone at a specific section of the wall to rebuild, conveying the message that everyone's contribution is valuable.
Further, we discuss handling criticism, an aspect that every good leader faces. Learn from the experience of Nehemiah and his ability to handle critics both from the outside and the hardest ones from the inside. Recognize the significance of the right response in the face of criticism and how it can define you as a leader.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Strengthening Your Leadership Skills
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
In this episode, we analyze the characteristics of a good leader and how they can add value to people. Discover how Nehemiah's patience, active approach, precise asking, and planning aided in his remarkable endeavor in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.
This episode underscores how patience and action can go hand in hand. Nehemiah didn't act hastily. Instead, he waited for the perfect timing to catalyze his plans while continuing his nine to five job which showcased his patience and active approach. He waited for God to open up the perfect opportunity and, when God did, he seized it while not overreaching beyond what he prayed for.
Nehemiah not only pursued his vision, but he also was a meticulous planner. He correlated thoughts into action, setting a bar high on leadership skills. Listen to this episode to understand how acting on a whim or emotion isn't a mark of a good leader, but planning, strategizing and being ready when the opportunity knocks is.
Inspired by Nehemiah's life, this episode motivates you to be patient, active, and ready for opportunities while waiting on God to answer your prayers.

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Valuable Insights For A Life Of Prayer
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
In this episode, we explore the importance of prayer in a believer's life, indicating our reliance on God and alignment with His will. Nehemiah’s reaction to needs, expressed through prayer, is indicative of his spiritual leadership. We discuss how remembering and asserting God's promises in our prayers underlines His faithfulness and reinforces our faith.
In the latter part of the episode, we discuss Nehemiah's acknowledgement of personal and national sins, drawing parallels with King David's sin with Bathsheba. We discuss the empowering potential of acknowledging our sins, which paves the way to overcoming guilt and sorrow. The episode calls for specific prayers, a deeper, sincere connection with God and the patience to wait for His divine timing.
Deepen your understanding of prayer, leadership, and faith as we unveil insightful lessons from Nehemiah's prayer journey, supplying you with the spiritual tools to become an effective leader and positively influence those around you.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Unleashing The Leader Within You
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Are leaders born or are they made? Perhaps, this episode will provide some clarity on this age-old question as we advocate that leadership is a skill that can be learned. We use the journey of Moses, a reluctant leader, as evidence that leadership can be cultivated. This episode draws on wisdom from the scriptures to prove that a leader need not be the loudest, the most popular, or even the wisest person in a group, echoing John Maxwell's definition that leadership is all about "influence".
In this podcast, we challenge the conventional notions of leadership by focusing on the unique position of Christians to be true leaders through their influence on others. Whether you envision yourself as a CEO or a manager in the future, you're already equipped with the potential to lead simply by being a follower of Jesus, the master of all leaders.
As we navigate the life of Nehemiah, a man who worked a day job but lived a life of deep devotion to his faith, we look at how God prepares ordinary people for extraordinary roles and places them in the right places at the right time. From becoming a man of God to a man of concern, Nehemiah’s journey encapsulates the true essence of what it means to be a godly leader. The episode illustrates how Nehemiah’s story of listening, showing compassion, and ultimately taking action is a testament to the qualities that define true leadership.
Our goal is to inspire you to step up, just as Nehemiah did, by embodying godly qualities and exhibiting genuine concern for others. From listening attentively to showing compassion and taking action, we explore how the ordinary can indeed rise to the extraordinary. So join us as we endeavor to turn followers of Jesus into the leaders of today.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Playing Your Part In God's Grand Plan
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Welcome to this enlightening episode of Taking Your Next Step, brought to you by Collegians for Christ. In this final exploration of the significant phrase 'But God', we understand the saying 'But God gives the increase', and explore its implications in our spiritual journey.
In the same way that gardening requires investment, effort, and patience, we unpack the importance of nurturing the seed of God's word in people's lives. Drawing from the book of 1 Corinthians, we discuss our distinct roles in spiritual gardening--everything from planting the seed, to patiently watering it until it bears fruit. Join us to appreciate the hard work, patience, and numerous encounters with the truth on your path to spiritual enlightenment.
In this episode, we also remind listeners not to perceive any one role as being superior to the others. Whether you are a nurturer or a harvester, we stress the significance of balance, unity, and mutual respect in playing our parts in God's divine plan. Highlighting the ultimate goal of salvation and genuine conversion to Christianity, we tackle the challenges that spiritual gardeners and harvesters may face, particularly when misunderstandings arise from differences in approach.
Culminating in the reality that only God can bring the increase and transform hearts, this episode stirs us to be humble facilitators in the process of spiritual growth. We also challenge listeners to identify an individual in their life whose spiritual standing they're unsure of, and to start a nurturing, open-ended conversation with them. We hope that our joint efforts as spiritual gardeners and harvesters will result in a more bountiful spiritual harvest, for His glory.

Tuesday May 28, 2024
God Will Help You Resist Temptation
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
On this episode, listen in as we discuss the often-misunderstood topic of temptation and our endeavor to dispel the blame typically cast on God for our temptations. Learn about the role Satan plays in tempting us and how aligning our understanding of God's character can boost our resilience to temptation. Explore various instances of temptation in the Bible and gain an understanding of how to handle everyday temptations.
Begin your journey towards overcoming temptations by recognizing their source, depending on divine strength, and finding the right personal support system. Embark on a life free from the chains of guilt, shame, and destruction, and walk a path of victory and liberation.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
But God Proved His Infinite Love To You
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
This discussion explores the magnitude of God's divine love for us and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Discover the stark contrast between human love and God's unconditional, sacrificial love.
We examine how the sacrificial work of Jesus Christ brought about justification, akin to an acquittal in court, making us sinless before God. Learn how the sacrifice of Jesus not only brings us closer to God but also instills Christian character within us. The steadfast assurance of eternal security paves the way for our reconciliation with God and helps us transition from being enemies of God to His beloved children.

Tuesday May 14, 2024
But God Is Rich In Mercy
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
In this episode, we delve into the profound effects that the phrase "But God" holds in Scripture. In our study, we outline and examine the striking contrast between man's disobedience and sin and God's boundless mercy and love.
We explore how each individual is born a sinner, separated from God, and yet, the invaluable mercy of God gives us the chance to attain salvation. We understand that through God's work, we are made spiritually alive once we call upon Christ. This spiritual reawakening instills life with purpose and fills it with meaning, and it is an avenue for fulfilling God's planned dream for our lives.

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Understanding Your Role In God’s Mission
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
This episode sheds light on the role of the local New Testament church, its divine purpose, and the important role you can play as a member of a church.
This episode uncovers the truth about the local church as more than just a building or a social club but rather a fellowship established by Jesus Christ Himself. We explore the church's larger mission as God's instrument to seek and save the lost, mirroring Jesus's self-sacrifice, commitment, and purpose on earth.
This exploration extends to the understanding of 'The Great Commission', Jesus's last mandate to His church. We examine the five core parts of this divine assignment, revealing the broad picture of God's mission. Our message emphasizes that every believer should champion this purpose, sharing the Gospel to contribute to God's worldwide mission.
This episode challenges you to introspect and discover your place in God's mission, using your unique talents and divine gifts to fulfill God's purpose. We address the significance of seizing present opportunities instead of excessively focusing on the future.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Understanding And Guarding The Essential Christian Beliefs.
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
In this insightful episode, we dive deep into what the essentials of the Christian faith are and introduce the profound concepts of "theological fences". We meticulously dissect the nuanced layers of Christian dogma, doctrine, and practice, guiding listeners to a clearer comprehension of their beliefs.
Journey with us as we explore the core 'inner fence' of Christianity, reflecting on seven essential truths including the Word of God, the Trinity, the virgin birth of Christ, salvation by faith alone, the returned of Jesus Christ, and the consciousness after death. Realizing the potential threats of false teachings, we emphasize not just on knowing what you believe, but also the necessity of understanding why you believe it.
Moving beyond the essential truths, the 'outer fences' discussion dives into the wealth of teachings contained in scripture and their influence on our practice of faith. We discuss key doctrines like baptism, creation, and salvation and their real-world implications. This discussion further highlights the importance of aligning belief with biblical teachings and recognizing the effects of these beliefs in your search of a church and your broader spiritual journey.
This episode seeks to serve as a valuable resource for listeners to constructively engage with the complexities of Christian dogma, doctrines, and tradition. Discover how your belief system can be a protective fence, enabling you to identify authentic Bible-based churches and safeguard against false teachings.

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Unraveling Questions About Baptism
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
In this episode, we delve into a frequently asked question related to Christianity- the significance, purpose, and function of baptism. We explore the meaning of baptism, its relevance to the church, and how it's a public identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
This episode breaks down biblical instances and commandments concerning believer's baptism and the process of identification that follows it. We also discuss the common misconception of baptism as a pre-requisite for salvation and corroborate the concept of salvation by faith alone, using numerous verses from the Holy Scripture.
Clarifying the misconceptions, the episode discusses how baptism is an act of obedience after believing in Jesus Christ and not a requirement for salvation. We also address the question of 're-baptism' after understanding the Gospel and believing in Jesus Christ and provide a clear answer backed by relevant Biblical passages.

Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
What The Church Is Truly About
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
On this episode, we take a fresh look at what the church is truly about. We delve into several biblical teachings, focusing on the inherent objectives of the local church. We aim to answer common questions like 'Why should I go to Church?' and 'What is the church's purpose?'.
This episode uncovers the larger function of the church beyond being just a place of worship. We explore how the church provides an avenue for preaching, teaching, fellowship, prayer, and giving. Additionally, we reflect on teachings from Acts Chapter 2 and shed light on how early Christians viewed and engaged with the church.
Discover how being part of a local church offers a tight-knit community to nourish your spiritual life and provides opportunities for service. We dispel common misconceptions about worship and highlight how it naturally transpires in the various facets of church involvement.
Hear insights on the importance of sound doctrine, as we emphasize that not any church can constitute a biblical church. This episode is packed with knowledge to equip you to live your Christian life more purposefully and victoriously through engaging in the local church.
Stay tuned for our next episode as we unravel common questions around baptism. Join us on this enriching exploration of the church's purpose and functions as a part of your journey to understanding what you believe and why you believe it.